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808, HDS Towers, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Post Box No. 75347,
Phone: +971 43606779
Mob: +971 566657413


Old No:71, New No:94, Armenian Centre, Armenian Street,
Phone: +91 44 25222228
Mob : +91 9940008041

Success Stories

"I am Nithin Ram of GML batch and i am very happy to tell you that i have been placed in reputed company as an executive with the help of the knowledge and training you have given through your well known faculties and the internship program. I specially thank PK sir for setting up an institute to guide people to a good area of studies and for being a pioneer in what they do. Special thanks to capt.Vivekanandan sir, Vishal Sir and all the other faculties for giving us a lively classroom and more of an interactive session. Last but not the least thanking Balaji Sir for referring me to LP and thereby getting myself a chance to work in a good firm and also Ratna Mam, Shivani Mam who where so kind to sort things for me at time of needs."

Mr. Nithin Ram
JAN 2017 Batch